Strike a pose

Well. a rather lovely thing happened today. I got a few bizarre tweets/text messages/emails/frantic answer phone messages all alluding to something concerning My face was on it.
As part of British Vogue’s Online Fashion Week, Leon Bailey-Green’s DirectorsOf.Com decided to publish their annual Online Fashion’s Top 100 list of the most influential figures in online fashion on As well as the usual list of CEOs and Journos the list would include several categories up for the public vote which including Best Dressed, for which I was nominated.
Now, I’m going to rip off the plaster… I didn’t win. Mr Daniel Richmond of Tic Watches won with 36% of the vote. Congrats to Daniel and his wardrobe!
Now. The juicy bit. I’m still on the list *pause for effect*. I’m ranked tenth on the list for my work with A) this very blog, B) and C) The Fashion Network.
I’m shocked/amazed/grateful and have butterflies in my belly. But, I must dash as I have a few people on their way over for festive drinks and I’ve yet to wrap my pigs in blankets!
I’ll leave you with the words of my mother: “I can’t believe it, I mean… It’s Kim Kardashian, Cheryl Cole, Stacey Solomon and YOU!”
Oh and congrats to the gorgeous Cillian of Male Mode, the fab Vicki Day, Mr Chris Bishop of 7thingsmedia, Clare Potts of iliketweet (the reason I started blogging), fellow northerner Nitin Passi of and all the rest of the fashpack.
You can request a copy of the list here: DirectorsOf.Com


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