#HouseofMask by Cubanisto, a tale told by Instagram

Something weird and wonderful happened last night when Cubanisto, the new rum flavoured beer, took over Manchester’s iconic Old Granada Studios for a masquerade ball like no other.

//instagram.com/p/pwrdd6MLSm/embed/Upon climbing the iron stair case to the studio lots, we were ushered into a warehouse studio marked by a neon skull. A tall man in white greeted us with, “Greetings sir and madame, please confess your sins,” leading us to a room filled with chequebook like cards with the statement “I confess that…” printed on them.

//instagram.com/p/pwsE0YMLTx/embed/Once we’d decided which sin to confess, another man in white lead us to two scary bitches in nurses uniforms. These two simultaneously told us to “please confess your sin, ” and once handing the confession to them, said, “thank you for your cooperation, please proceed.” We were lead into a cupboard, like a real cupboard. But, when you opened the door and stepped inside, the cupboard extended, like Narnia, into a passage way that got narrower and narrower and lead to a tiny door that you had to crouch to get into.

//instagram.com/p/pwsjBzsLUZ/embed/Once through the tiny door, we hit the House of Mask rave, complete with fab DJ, food, drinks and all manner of weird shit. Art murals you could add to, a big screen broadcasting the anonymous confessions and the quest to match the skull jig-saw piece you’d been given to someone else’s in return for a skull key (there’s a theme) the key opened a box and the box could have had a prize (more beer). 

I could barely keep up!

//instagram.com/p/pwyFGRsLdV/embed/My instagram story sort of ends here as I got all banjee and messy and a little Cuban. So, here’s some other people’s documentation.


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